Real Estate Agents and Brokers:

Generate Quality Buyer and Seller Leads Guaranteed

Extra 50-100 Client Opportunities and 10+ Appointments, Every Month. This Can Help Close 3-5 Deals Monthly.

Mastery Demands Focus So...

We don't offer any other services except for, lead to qualified booked appointment system...

  • Web Design
  • Content Creation
  • Email Marketing
  • ​Social Media Management
  • ​Instagram Growth
  • ​PR Service
What we offer

Quality Leads To Qualified Booked Appointments

Just Quality Leads To Qualified Booked Appointments.

We do one thing - we just do it with a monastic focus and better than anyone else. If you want an agency that offers a full-service solution to everything that won’t move the needle forward, we’re not for you.

If you want an agency wherewith two clicks, you can get a clear breakdown of how much was spent and how many quality leads and qualified booked appointments were generated - we’re for you. 

We book qualified appointments whereas you close them.

How Our System Works

Hyper Targeted Facebook Ads

Our Hyper Targeted Facebook Ads will help you generate 100+ quality buyer and sellers leads around the chosen area.

No more chasing leads that are far away from your work location.

Lead to Booked Appointment

Our trained appointment setters qualify your leads and only book qualified appointments or do live transfers.

CRM & Nurturing Sequences

Qualify, Track, and Nurture Leads for 3-12 months using our CRM system.

Bi-Weekly Strategy Calls

In these bi-weekly strategy calls, we discuss frameworks on how we can help grow your real estate business and career.

The Power Of Facebook Advertising:

$121.9 BILLION

Total Advertising Revenue End Of 2023

$1.81 Average CPC

$16.52 Average CPL

2.963 Billion Users

Sam Liu Liang 


Meet The Founder

Meet The Founder

Founded by Sam, who has found a meticulous approach to helping real estate business scale.

Our priority is to help you find quality seller and buyer leads, while turning those leads into ready to buy or sell appointments.

We recognize you are occupied. Our goal is to help you free up your time on lead gen. We take a fancy on removing all the inconvenience from lead generation, such as managing your Facebook business manager, pixel, finding a suitable audience, creating ads, qualifying them, and booking them into your schedule. So, you can focus on speaking with the right leads and securing better and more deals.

- Founder


30-Minute Discovery Call

By the end of this Discovery call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results.

Find a time on our team calendar to schedule your call today. We look forward to speaking to you soon!


  • Real estate agents looking to close 3-5 deals monthly

  • Real estate agents looking to generate quality buyer and seller leads using Facebook advertisement & Other Lead Sources

  • Real estate agents looking for live transfers and qualified booked appointments

  • ​Real estate agents looking to take their offline business online

  • ​Real estate agents looking to understand their increased revenue potential

  • ​Real estate agents looking to maximize lead generation

  • ​Real estate agents looking for a reliable agency that can make their company a priority

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